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Reversing issue of Bhutan's 'Gross National Happiness'
Happiness is the moment of the cessation of suffering- His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaj.
24-04-2015, Netherlands. Bhutan's development philosophy of so called ' Gross National Happiness' is slipping backward. >> Read more>>>>

Forgotten civilization
The temples of Angkor in Cambodia was built by the different Khmer kings in different period about a thousand years ago. Therefore it reflects different architectural design, mainly derived from Hinduism and Buddhism. It remained undercover in the forest for several hundred years>>read more>>>>

Where bogus and non-bogus work for each other
Life is never free from repression. 
1-1-15, Amsterdam.

I had many bosses in my carrier varying from Hindu, Buddhist, Christians and Muslim faiths that enriched my life to see beyond the material repression. Of all those, more typical than double Dutch types, the last boss of my country of birth, Bhutan, comes often in my mind. He is formerly the director of Bhutan's 

Radio/TV, the BBS, now His Excellency the Ambassador for The Netherlands  including Belgium and other European countries, Dasho Sonam Tshong. >>



Raping minors in Bhutan's compassionate Buddhism
23-8014, Netherlands.Compassionate Buddhists, raping the minors in Bhutan has been growing wildly. Rape, which was once one of  the government’s tool to execute  forcible exile in order to reduce population of the Hindu minority citizens has grown up as a serious social problem in the Buddhist communities where addicted rapists continued their recur.more>>>>>

Celebrating the birthday of the unborn
Krishna, the unborn, The  Supreme Personality of Godhead appears. Lets celebrate togetherVedic Cultural Home felicitates people of all races and background, the most wonderful Krishna Janmastami celebrations and prays for elevation to Krishna Consciousnes.... more>>>>


India's hydro-politic against exiled Bhutanese minorities
India’s election outcome and Bhutan’s hydropower potentials has always been making relay race trampling on the track and field of Bhutanese minority Lhotshampas whose population was reduced to half for the benefit of these two nations.......more>>

Left to believe as the first case of suicide of a Bhutanese refugee in The Netherlands
In the Netherlands Durga lived only for the last 8 years. Then he apparently did not want to live further.  What made Durga feel apprehensive in The Netherlands is unknown to me as yet although I could only describe here the incidences I encountered along with him but can’t declare or judge anything that consequent to sad reality seen today......more  >>>>>

American Dream Becomes Nightmare for Bhutanese Refugees

 30 Bhutanese refugees took to suicide in USA since the 3rd country resettlement started in 2008, including 7 within the last  three months alone. SourceThe Wall Street Journal, 7/1/14

  • Bhutanese refugees living in the U.S. are finding a mismatch between the dream and the reality.more>>>
Golden yoke and silken knot against Bhutan's democracy
13 July 2013 General election day.
The early 16th century’s two fold law codes of Shabdung; spiritual and temporal, that the former as a silken knot gradually becoming tighter and tighter, and the later as a golden yoke that is growing heavier and heavier, is bearing its obvious results in Bhutan’s constitutional democracy today, being it incorporated in the constitution.more>>

No coalition in Bhutan's democracy possible!
‘Election’ is an appetizing word in the lexicon of democracy. The youngest democracy in Bhutan is observing rounds and rounds of election for the second time. How much egalitarian is the system imposed by the 4th king His Majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuk is coming into test. more>>

No adequate Lhotshampa minority's representation in the forthcoming democratic government of Bhutan.
 On 6th March 2013 the king of Bhutan posed for a photo (see BBS foto below)  with the group of polity- the government machinery that rulled the country for the first five years of elected government- March 2008 to April 2013.  Although it was called democratic on the ground of election and in comparison to the previous absolute monarchy, this group of rulers never discussed to allow the exiled Bhutanese Lhotshampa minorities from the UNHCR refugee camps in Nepal. more>>>

Nice to be under Orange than a Raven beak
The Queens day 2013.  Since 1890, the 30th April 2013 is historical for having a king of Dutch
Now we the Dutch people have a nice king, Willem Alexander, so dear and caring to indigenous public and immigrants equally, as his mother queen Beatrix. Long live the highly esteem Orange lineage.more>>

Impudence in Bhutan’s national election 2013
The kingdom of Bhutan is attributed as democratic, but in reality the election conduct on 23 April 2013 reflects in some areas contradictory to the democratic norms. MORE>>>

Bhutan's ruling party brands opposition as anti-national and un patriotic.


Bhutan's first five year of elected government ended. Para military forces increasing
20th April 2013 bid farewell to the first five years of democratic government of Bhutan led by the prime minister Jigme Yoeser Thinlay More>>>


Forced out of the Bhutan’s cabinet, exiled, extradited unofficially, imprisoned for life, and again, forced out of the country! This is the ordeal of Mr Tek Nath Rizal, the unrecognised Nelson Mandela of Bhutan.more>>

From forcible exile to forced migration
A stranger from an unfamiliar country is coming to live near you. Neither you nor he can deny this destiny.more>>>

News Reporting in Bhutan's context
When editors and reporters make choices about what stories to cover, and how to cover them, the decision comes out mostly from the media strategy and the national culture. The national culture emphasizes what is considered proper in their own definition, how to act towards strangers and what to express, no matter whatever the truth is. Culture is truly a mind programming. The media strategy generally bases its values and rituals on their national culture. This character is distinctive in Bhutan’s information production and delivery system today. More>>>


31/1/14 First case of suicide of a Bhutanese refugee in The Netherlands.
It is worst to be a double refugee. This has been the reality of the forcibly exiled Bhutanese minority Lhotshampas who had to go to live in the distant countries under forced migration simply because Bhutan regime refused to repatriate them and the international communities failed to pressurize for the right to go homestead. Due to this situation in USA about 30 Bhutanese refugees took to suicide, while one for the first time in The Netherlands too. Read more>>>


Golden yoke and silken knot against Bhutan's democracy
13/7/13 The early 16th century’s two fold law codes of Shabdung; spiritual and temporal, that the former as a silken knot gradually becoming tighter and tighter, and the later as a golden yoke that is growing heavier and heavier, is bearing its obvious results in Bhutan’s constitutional democracy today, being it incorporated in the constitution. Read more >>>>>

No coalition in Bhutan's democracy?
29 May '13. ‘Election’ is an appetizing word in the lexicon of democracy. The youngest democracy in Bhutan is observing rounds and rounds of election for the second time. How much egalitarian is the system imposed by the 4th king His Majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuk is coming into test. Read more>>


23 April '13. No adequate Lhotshampa minority's representation in the forthcoming democratic government of Bhutan.  
On 6th March 2013 the king of Bhutan posed for a photo (ese BBS foto below)  with the group of polity- the government machinery that rulled the country for the first five years of elected government- Macrh 2008 to April 2013.  Although it was called democratic on the ground of election and in comparison to the previous absolute monarchy, this group of rulers never discussed to allow the exiled Bhutanese Lhotshampa minorities from the UNHCR refugee camps in Nepal. This machinery was also bent to drive these refugees further in the same way the absolute monarchy of His Majesty King Jigme Syngye Wangchuk did previously, although they had ten sessions of parliamentary meetings. In this regard, the government run by the prime minister Jigme Yoeser Thinlay was no better than the absolute monarchy since, it also violated the rights of the people and the international norms. About 30 000 refugees are still in the refugee camps in Nepal while other 100 000 were forced to migrate to different western countries. Read more here>>>


Nice to be under Orange than a Raven beak
The Queens day 2013.  Since 1890, the 30th April 2013 is historical for having a king of Dutch. 

Now we the Dutch people have a nice king, Willem Alexander, so dear and caring to indigenous public and immigrants equally, as his mother queen Beatrix. Long live the highly esteem Orange lineage. Read more here>>

Impudence in Bhutan’s national election 2013
The kingdom of Bhutan is attributed as democratic, but in reality the election conduct on 23 April 2013 reflects in some areas dubious and contradictory to the democratic norms. Read all here>>


Bhutan's ruling party brands opposition as anti-national and un patriotic.

Soon after desolving the current government of Lyonchen Jigme Thinlay, the entire cabinet ministers were given audience by the king in Tashi Chhodzong on 20th April 2013.

After that the press conference was held. In an interview with the state owned Newspaper Kuensel the opposition leader revealed that the rulling party of Lyonchen used to attack inside and outside the parliament even to the extent of branding them as unpatriotic and anti-national. Read more>>>>


20th April 2013 bid farewell to the first five years of democratic government of Bhutan led by the prime minister Jigme Yoeser Thinlay.
This king is building up para military forces Desuung. Read more>>>


April 23, 2013 marks the general election in the Kingdom of Bhutan. 20 Councillors, one each from twenty districts will be elected on this day.

Meanwhile  the Dutch media professionals are ahead in preparing the Bhutanese journalists on how to report the forthcoming election.
Read more>>> 

Hieronder vindt u de artikelen die over mij was geschreven voor de journalisten, mensenrechten organisatie en kennissen. Daarna mijn artikelen die in de pers was verschennen.

1. “Als het weer veilig is voor journalisten, wil ik terug”
In Nederland wonen zeker 120 gevluchte journalisten. Hier worden ze geconfronteerd met een bittere ironie. De journalisten ontvluchtten hun moederland omdat er geen persvrijheid was. Hier is die er volop, maar kunnen ze vaak hun geliefde beroep niet uitoefenen. Lees verder

2.'Kroonprins mag repressie in Bhutan niet negeren'
’Bhutan wordt gezien als het paradijs op aarde, één groot Boeddhistisch klooster. Maar de regering voert sinds 1985 een politiek van ‘één natie, één volk’. Officieel om eenheid te bevorderen, maar in de praktijk worden sinds 1990 etnische zuiveringen doorgevoerd. Lees verder 

3. Rassenpolitiek versus duurzaamheid
Mensenrechten zijn hoeksteen van beleid in de relaties met andere staten, zo stelt de Nederlandse regering.... lees verder 

4. Ik koester mijn tranen
'In Thimphu waren we vogelvrij. We hadden geen identiteitspapieren en geen 'No Objection Certificate' (NOC) dat je nodig hebt om legaal te werken, te reizen of onderwijs te krijgen. Lees verder

5. Etnische zuivering
Hoe kan dat de Bhutaanse Absoluut Monarchie 20% van de bevolking, vooral de ethische minderheid HINDU Lhotshampa uitgedwongen uit het land? Lees alles hier  

6. Actief op afstand.  

Hij werd gestraft, mocht alleen nog berichten in het Lhotshampa vertalen en mocht de hoofdstad niet meer uit. Ook niet toen zijn vader in 1992 zijn land kwijtraakte, en de opdracht kreeg zijn huis af te breken en te vertrekken. Lees alles hier 

Hieronder vindt u de artikelen van mij, gepubliceerd door de pers in Nederland. Ook verschenen deze in de website.

1. De dubbele identiteit! waar past dat goed bij?

Vakbekwaamheid en vaardigheden van de bevolking zijn een schatkist van het rijk. Dit is een belangrijke bron, vooral voor de kapitalistische staten, zoals Nederland, want de staatsschatkist wordt gevuld door hun belastingbetalingen. Dus de bevolkingsgroepen zijn als het ware de hof van Eden, die altijd vruchtbaar zal blijven. Lees alles hier

2. From Forcible Exile to Forced Migration.
Bhutanse etnische minderheid bevolkingen Lhotshampa waren uitgedwongen door de Bhutaanse regering. Ze mochten niet terug keren naar zijn thuis. Ze zijn dan gedwongen te immigreren naar de westerse landen. Het aantal is meer dan 100 000 ruim 20% bevolking van het land.

A stranger from an unfamiliar country is coming to live near you. Neither you nor he can deny this destiny. Read all here

3. Bhutan's way of ethnic cleansing
A new trend in the sphere of human rights violations is flourishing! In contrast to Bhutan’s development philosophy called ‘Gross National Happiness,’ which many delegations visiting Bhutan are proclaiming a ‘good lesson’, Bhutan also offers a bad lesson: strategic violence in the form of ethnic cleansing, a lesson the world powers will find difficult to deal with.
Read further here


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Golden yoke and silken knot against Bhutan's democracy

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