My publications:
1. Books
2. News Bulletins
3. Research Reports

First Book
My report forms the part of the book 'Becoming Journalist in Exile'. It is like a hnadbook for the aspiring journalist as well as giving insight into various practices in journalism and media ethics in Bhutan in particular. It is written by a group of authors including myself.
News reporting in
Bhutan’s context
Bhutan’s context
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Gautam, reporting news. Foto UNESCO |
When editors and reporters make choices about what stories to cover, and how to cover them, the decision comes out mostly from the media strategy and the national culture. The national culture emphasizes what is considered proper in their own definition, how to act towards strangers and what to express, no matter whatever the truth is. Culture is truly a mind programming. The media strategy generally bases its values and rituals on their national culture. This character is distinctive in Bhutan’s information production and delivery system today. Read all here>>>>

Human body is the most special form among the 8400 000 species of life on earth. It is special because only on this body higher consciousness to develop is possible. Human beings are always growing in terms of intelligence and consciousness.
Growth is natural and innate emancipation of all the living beings but in human, growth takes place in different forms and dimensions. It is the growth that make men happy, not only by having the material comforts.
Analysing the innate level of consciousness and what could be the higher higher consciousness forms the part of the second book coming up with the title: Elevation to Krishna Consciousness. The rightful author of this book is His Divine Grace Srila AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. As a service to his mission, I managed to translate/edited this book into Dzongkha, Bhutan's national language.
Its cover is shown heren and a part of it can be read here>>>>
Being forced to live in exile in The Netherlands, and having worked as a journalist in Bhutan for several years, my urge was to continue news reporting, on my own way, mainly the issues the Bhutanese media does not report due to censorship.
So I founded in the year 2000 an NGO named Information Bhutan International and registered under Kvk 17141470 in The Netherlands and began working to inform the world over the atrocities in Bhutan.
Please download and see the earliest bulletin of news here:
Bhutan Review Vol 1.4
Bhutan Review Vol 2.5
Bhutan Review Vol 2.6
Bhutan Review Vol 2.7
Bhutan Review Vol 2.8
The publication was discontinued from the year 2008 as soon as the democratic changes was introduced in Bhutan and private media began operating there.
Later this foundation is changed Statutory as Platform for Bhutanese and Vedic Cultural Integration in The Netherlands
An image of my News Reporting here:
I have written a number of research report as a consultancy.
Below are the glimpse of those reports. Each report has about 80 pages including the attachments. See below the responses from the organisations, received per Email.
An overview of one of the report is given here under.
(1) Mediacommunicatie advies rapport
geschreven voor de
organisatie Humanistisch Overleg Mensenrechten te Utrecht. Dit rapport heeft circa 80 pagina's inclusief de
communication Advice Report.
This is a research report for the
Humanist Organisation for Human Rights- HOM, in
(2) Strategic Communicatie advies
Een onderzoek rapport geschreven voor de organisatie Global Human
RightsDefence te Den Haag over de internationale aspecten van Dit rapport heeft circa 80 pagina's inclusief de
Communication Advies.
research report for the Global Human Rights Defence – GHRD in
(3) Corporaat Imao en Idetiteit.
Een onderzoek
rapport geschreven voor Europese Centrum voor Conflict Preventie,
Utrecht over zijn organisatie imago en identiteit. Dit rapport heeft
circa 80 pagina's inclusief de bijlagen.
Image and Identity Report
A research on the maintainance of
the corporate identity and image for the
(4) Advies Rapport Media Relatie
Een onderzoek en adviesrapport over hun mediarelatie
vraagstukken,geschreven. Dit rapport heeft circa 80 pagina's inclusief de
Relations Report
Also for the
Overview of the report
This Media Advisory Report is prepared for the Humanist Committee on Human Rights (HOM) focusing on its program Linking Solidarity, which deals with the issues of forced disappearances. The central question revolves around How to maintain media relations in order to help raise public attention on forced disappearances?
The report explores a number of ways how to attract the attention of media and provides alternatives, essential to make a breakthrough in getting the message across to the public through connivance of media. It gives, essentially a set of advice to HOM for its effort to raise the awareness among the public on the issue of forced disappearances. It also points out the position of the organisation to reflect, and assesses how to reinforce the organisational capacity. Therefore, the report is laid out in six stages that give HOM abundance of choice to apply it either as a complete whole, or in parts, wherever deemed appropriate in its media campaign.
Public awareness on issue of forced disappearances is comparatively low than other forms of human rights violations in many countries. The idea of using mass media as a tool to rise has been slow to take off the ground. HOM wants to bring up this issue into the public agenda so that the newly reorganised United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights into UN Human Rights Council will be urged to accept the draft International Convention on the Protection of all Persons from Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. In addition, HOM want to inform and link between the survived members of the forced disappearances and their organisations to promote international solidarity and end the occurrences of this human cataclysm collectively. The progress towards engaging media and achievements of its purpose will be the fascinating outcome of this report.
This report firstly explores the purpose for an external advice on media relations. It then analyses the situation of the organisation that reflects the predicaments that are related to its media relation’s functions and its position at the operational level. This helps identify the shortcomings, and approach the problem. HOM does not have media relations department or a communication unit. It doesn’t have a written communication policy. This report points out some of the benefits of having these organisational machineries. A bulk of literatures on media, media relations and forced disappearances are reviewed and relevant information incorporated in an effort to acquire suitable approach that help increase media coverage on forced disappearances. Then the question on the parties involved that play some role, both for the problems and solutions are distinguished and action points stipulated. It goes further to a stage in which HOM could look into ways for best practices for media relations and the lessons it can learn from its present and past efforts including what organisational adjustment it may require for efficient functioning of its media relations. Finally, this report puts forward some recommendations that are technically essential for operating media relations efficiently. In this way, this report provides HOM and its program Linking Solidarity with essential media relations advice supported by technical measures on how to manage media relations in order to give voice on forced disappearances. Given that this advice is used diligently and of course with adaptations according to the organisational directives and the fast developing media, information and communication technology, it will make a difference in addressing the issue of forced disappearances and help raise public voice for peace through media.
August 14, 2006
Dear Nanda,
May we call you by your first name? Dave is on holiday till 21 August. I hope that is in time. I have very quickly gone through your report, and I can only give a general comment. I think your recommendations are useful and generally applicable. It can act for us as a checklist of an overview of possibilities, especially when we are setting up new activities. It will be consulted anytime that we are concerned not to forget anything in our approaches to media.
Moreover the annexes are very good for further reading,and a good selection that you have provided us with. And we will use it as soon as we have enough human resources for this communication policies. We still don't know when we will have financial possibilities for a communication officer.
What in addition we need ourselves to do is develop mechanisms to put the important strategic questions and how to answer them. Concerning publicity we often have strategic choices that have to be made by the programme and project staff. The problem how and when and to whom to say what,or to write,or to make a press release, etc. On substance we will continue to draw on our programme staff for the political nuances. that is another perspective that we have to solve ourselves.
Hopefully this is useful for you.
I will ask Dave to add to it when he returns.
best wishes,
Martha Meijer
Humanistisch Overleg Mensenrechten
The Netherlands Humanist Committee on Human Rights
P.O. Box 114
3500 AC Utrecht
The Netherlands
tel.: +31 30 233 40 27
fax: +31 30 236 71 04
visiting address:
Lucasbolwerk 7,
Humanistisch Overleg Mensenrechten
The Netherlands Humanist Committee on Human Rights
P.O. Box 114
3500 AC Utrecht
The Netherlands
tel.: +31 30 233 40 27
fax: +31 30 236 71 04
visiting address:
Lucasbolwerk 7,
26 August 2006
Dear Nanda Gautam,
With much interest I have read your Media Advisory Report for HOM and Linking Solidarity.
I will give some general comments.
I am impressed by the way you managed to accurately analyse and describe the problems with the (lack of) media relations for HOM. The document is well structured and observations are well founded. This is especially remarcable since we have only had one opportunity to personally discuss these matters. Limited resources have not withheld you from coming up with a document that has an added value for HOM and Linking Solidarity.
Besides some small technical mistakes I could not find any major errors or misjudgements in your report. You have processed and presented the available information in a very logical manner.
The background information on communication you use is relevant and usefull. You stay focussed on the central question. You very accurately provide the reader with the resources of your information which is a very positive aspect. You manage to avoid your personal opinions but base your analysis and recommandations on research material. Your conclusions follow from the research and your recommandations are practical and 'doable'.
Allthough I can imagine that some critisism could have been useful for your further development I cannot find any.
I wish you all the luck with the rest of your studies and hope we can stay in touch in the future.
All the best,
Dave Hardy
With much interest I have read your Media Advisory Report for HOM and Linking Solidarity.
I will give some general comments.
I am impressed by the way you managed to accurately analyse and describe the problems with the (lack of) media relations for HOM. The document is well structured and observations are well founded. This is especially remarcable since we have only had one opportunity to personally discuss these matters. Limited resources have not withheld you from coming up with a document that has an added value for HOM and Linking Solidarity.
Besides some small technical mistakes I could not find any major errors or misjudgements in your report. You have processed and presented the available information in a very logical manner.
The background information on communication you use is relevant and usefull. You stay focussed on the central question. You very accurately provide the reader with the resources of your information which is a very positive aspect. You manage to avoid your personal opinions but base your analysis and recommandations on research material. Your conclusions follow from the research and your recommandations are practical and 'doable'.
Allthough I can imagine that some critisism could have been useful for your further development I cannot find any.
I wish you all the luck with the rest of your studies and hope we can stay in touch in the future.
All the best,
Dave Hardy
Program Manager
Linking Solidarity
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