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May the Dragon king be Lord Krishna Conscious

Wonderful and nice that the King of Bhutan continues to honor the Dasai tika blessings festival of Lhotshampa Hindu Bhutanese. 

His Majesty the 5th king Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk and the queen honoured the Vijaya Dasami festival in
 Thimphu and accepted the tika of Durga maa on the occasion of Dasai 2013. The prime minister and the only Lhotshampa minister Lyonpo DN Dhungel was also present. It was surely a spiritually elevated atmosphere and the exchange of love and respect among the polity an the public. 

King during Dasai 2013.
Most gratefully appreciated earlier is the permission to establish a Hindu temple in the capital Thimphu. To take care of such a divine work for the country  a religious Hindu community called Druk Hindu Samudaya was earlier founded in accordance with Bhutan's Religious Organisation Act 2007. Bhutan's written constitution deliberately avoided to mention 'Hindu' in it although about one-third of the country's population comprise Hindu descent called Lhotshampa.

Respecting each other's culture is the only way to get support in any areas favourable. Disrespect to other's cultural and religious values causes the ethnic conflict. The king, having collected taxes from the citizens has the obligation to protect them in return. Observing and honouring such a spiritual matter of the public is the desired form of protection. Long live this very magnificence of our king

There was one moment in the history of modern Bhutan, the peaceful coexistence among the diversity of the Bhutanese communities abruptly broke, spilled out and spreading all over the world partly because of the disrespect to the culture of Lhotshampa Hindu Bhutanese citizens by the Royal Government of Bhutan. If  His Majesty the 4th king Jigme Syinge Wangchuk have continued with his trust and respect of this Vedic culture of the  Lhotshampa minority citizens, which he indeed supported in his early age, this human cataclysm would have been easily avoided. Previously, for many years, he used to observe this Dasai festival along with the queens and Lhotshampa public. There was peace and prosperity in the kingdom that lasted till 1985.
Lhotshampas adore the king of Bhutan as the incarnation of the Lord Vishnu or Krishna as it is mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita 10:27.  Even when the royal government forcibly exiled the minorty Lhotshampas, they did not publicly took the king in awe, but saw the ministers guilty of this and the king being taken away by their whims of racial hatred.The most auspicious and benevolence would be that when His Majesty would be Krishna conscious too. If the rulers of the state would elevate themselves to Krishna consciousness, the peace in Bhutan will prevail  in real dimension far beyond what is being propagandized under the so called Gross National Happiness. 

Today the forcibly exiled Lhotshampas and forcefully migrated to the western countries feel both sorrow and bliss during this Dasai festival, being deprived from their motherland and the association of their families living back in Bhutan. 

In the Netherlands, Platform BVCN organised on the Dasai tika day a public event in which local Dutch interested in the Vedic culture and some Bhutanese attended fotos below). It is the glory of the sanatan Vedic culture that sees beyond the bodily concept of life and embraces everyone as the part and parcel of God- the soul. May Krishna conscious flourish in Bhutan that would shower ecstatic happiness among all.


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