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Bhutan discriminated against its Sanskrit school

Country’s only Sanskrit school is a sorry state of affairs

Jul 1 2014, BBS
Sanskrit school is a sorry state of affairsThe only school in the country that teaches Sanskrit: a primary language of Hinduism, to young aspiring monks has no resemblance to an actual school.
The school established in 1980 in Jigmechholing under Gelegphu, has just nine students living in a ramshackle of a room that has been passed on as hostel. The room was built for pilgrims.
The students, who have come-in from Dagana, Samtse, Samdrup Jongkhar and Sarpang also, are not provided meals.
“If we could be provided with funds for ration and also if extra-curricular activities like games could be included in our programme, it would be better for us,” said a student, Bhim Raj Dahal Student.
He said other schools have IT facility and they would want one too as it would benefit them.

Another student, Deepak Timsina, said they would be able to study well if they are provided textbooks and notepads. “We cannot afford them. We would be grateful if the government could provide us books.”
The school has just one teacher teaching grammar, astrology, and language translation, among others to the students.
“I have seen many young students go out of country to Banaras because they say there is no proper lodging facility,” said the Teacher, Bala Bhadra Adhikari.
The school said though the Hindu Dharma Samudhaya is aware of the situation, nothing has been done as of now.


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